Submental liposuction
in virginia beach

Submental liposuction

Submental liposuction, also known as chin liposuction or neck liposuction, is a transformative cosmetic procedure designed to sculpt
and refine the area beneath the chin. The procedure targets excess fat beneath the chin, effectively contouring and reshaping the neck area.
It removes stubborn pockets of fat that are often resistant to diet and exercise, resulting in a sleeker and more
defined neck profile.

By removing unwanted fat, submental liposuction enhances the appearance of the jawline, creating a more sculpted and angular lower facial structure. This procedure can restore a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing contour to the entire face. Submental liposuction offers a safe, effective, and reliable solution for individuals looking to refine their neck contours, eliminate stubborn fat, and achieve a more defined and youthful facial profile.


Coastal Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics in Virginia Beach

Prepare for an incredible journey as you embark on a personalized beauty transformation! It starts with an exclusive one-on-one meeting with Dr. Teti, where you can delve into your unique needs and desires. With her expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Teti will thoroughly explore every aspect of your personalized genetic makeup and lifestyle circumstances.
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