Chin Implantation
in virginia beach

Chin Implantation

A well-defined chin plays a crucial role in facial symmetry and balance. Chin augmentation through the use of implants offers transformative benefits for individuals seeking to enhance their facial profile and achieve better facial harmony by augmenting a weak or recessed chin,
creating a more proportionate and balanced appearance. A chin implant not only augments the chin itself but also improves the
definition of the jawline. It can create a more defined and sculpted jawline, contributing to an overall more attractive and
youthful facial contour.

Chin implants come in various sizes and shapes, allowing for a tailored approach to meet each individual’s unique aesthetic goals. Modern chin implant materials and surgical techniques enable surgeons to achieve natural-looking results. The implants are designed to mimic the natural feel and contours of the chin, ensuring a subtle enhancement that blends seamlessly with the patient’s facial features. Dr Teti works closely with patients to select an implant that best suits their facial structure and desired outcome. Chin augmentation can complement other facial procedures such as rhinoplasty or facelifts, achieving comprehensive facial harmony and a more balanced aesthetic.


Coastal Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics in Virginia Beach

Prepare for an incredible journey as you embark on a personalized beauty transformation! It starts with an exclusive one-on-one meeting with Dr. Teti, where you can delve into your unique needs and desires. With her expertise in plastic surgery, Dr. Teti will thoroughly explore every aspect of your personalized genetic makeup and lifestyle circumstances.
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